

Cemeteries of Stoddard County, Missouri 1839-1992" book cover
700 pages | Double-sided

Cemeteries of Stoddard County, Missouri 1839-1992"

This book contains names, dates of birth, dates of death, and at times, relatives and military records as found on the cemetery tombstone. The cemetery listings are in alphabetical order, however, within the cemetery, names are kept together (not alphabetical) so that families can be kept together. Husband and wife, or more than one name on a single tombstone, are marked with an asterisk symbol (*). 

Other information is given at the beginning of the book such as what the various abbreviations stand for and there is an alphabetical index.

STODDARD COUNTY, MISSOURI 1835-1985 book cover
164 pages | Plus an index



It contains a brief history of 10 towns in Stoddard County in the early years and pictures.
It also has 100 plus family histories, written by a family member prior to 1985 giving some genealogy plus many other tidbits of interest such as how to make dandelion wine!!